So what's the deal with scheduling?

It is a common question this time of year.... What's the deal with scheduling for next year?
It's a complicated process that the teachers handle in-house.   

Teachers meet with each student and discuss their interest in additional theatre classes and what placement they received for their 2 main drama classes next year.  

Students audition for the 3rd arts spot they want: musical theatre (in class) and tech (after school) first. For Tech auditions: The students need to come get a packet from the tech. door,  fill it out and return it by Wednesday 2 May. Audition is on Friday 4 May after school.  Any questions go to Ms. M. 

If they get accepted into that arts class... that request goes into admin. for scheduling.   

If they don't get the arts class they want, they may audition for the 2 remaining arts classes  (directing, and stage movement) a few weeks later. If they don't get in one of those... they get put where there is room in another arts area class.  (Most students do get a 3rd arts spot within the theatre dept.) 

In addition to theatre classes, it is possible to take Film, Beginning Vocal, Costume (which requires Tech audition)... These are not the base offerings and have to be discussed with the teachers and suited to the student.

The teachers have talked to all the kids, and you can rest assured, they are being helped/guided. Students should understand the process at this point. Calling or contacting the LaVilla admin only results in them directing you back to the teachers.

Scheduling requests are put forth to the admin and it is no guarantee that the classes all fit together as originally intended. Because there are a lot of moving parts, and the 2 main drama classes have priority, some classes simply do not end up working together. When this happens, the school takes care in doing the best job possible to meet your students needs/desires. 

Parents with specific concerns should contact Ms. A directly. Trust the process, it works!
