There will be... DRAMA!

It's that time again--back to school! Locker assignments, student IDS, new schedules and confusion, of course. 

On top of all of that, we also jump right into auditions for the fall musical! 

Here's what you need to know:

Fall Musical Auditions
Tuesday, August 22
3:30-4:55 pm after school, except for 6th graders, who will audition during their drama class.  
Students wanting to audition need to be prepared to sing a portion of a Broadway song. Students need to bring their own recorded background music to their audition.  (Without words).  Otherwise, students may sing acapela. Songs MUST be age appropriate.  Ms. Amerson suggests selecting a song from a Disney musical.  

Fall Musical Call Backs
Thursday, August 24
3:30-4:55 pm      
*Only students selected for call backs may attend this audition after school.  

If you are the parent of a 6th grader, the department strongly suggests talking to your student ahead of time. While they are encouraged to audition for the experience and practice, it is not common to see 6th-grade students placed in the musical. This is because the program is focused on helping them adjust to middle school, which has plenty of pressure in of itself. Of course, there are exceptions, and sometimes parts are given to a 6th grader here and there--but it is best to prepare your student that auditioning is a good experience and getting a part is not the objective while they are in 6th grade. Because the audition happens in class, instead of after school, some kids may feel self-conscious about performing in front of their class so early in the year. Believe it or not, by October they will be comfortable with each other and by January they will not hesitate to audition for the spring play. They even perform their admissions audition monologue in front of their class shortly into the school year! Relax and let them get settled in!
